Monday, October 20, 2008

Worldview in She Unnames Them

The worldview in She Unnames Them is post modern.
God & the Universe- Eve governs over all and names all the animals giving her ultimate power. This also shows how she initiates everything also.
Conflict & Suffering- "I could not chatter anymore, taking it all for granted" The conflict lies between her God and Adam because she is tired of them not responding. "I had been prepared to defend my decisions" also shows the conflict she faces with unnaming the animals.
Values & Relationships- "He was not paying much attention" This shows how Eve valued her relationship with Adam and God.
Humanity & Identity- In this piece Eve is more superior then God "...their names were important to them.." and even though she did give up her power she still had power over God through her ability.
Hope & Redemption- "...I was feeling a little let down" Eve was upset that she had neither Adam or God to talk to showing that she originally found hope in them.
Truth & Reality- "Make an exemption for myself" She is more powerful then God and doesn't need Him.

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