Friday, October 24, 2008

Senior Quotes

That it will never come again is what makes life so sweet.
-Emily Dickinson

Tuesday, October 21, 2008


I believe art is something you can find in everything in life, but that art is just the recreation of things created before. For example, you look at a pumpkin and then draw a picture of it. That is art, but it is just the recreation of the actual pumpkin. Just as with music when an artist take an original from an artist who first "created it" and changes it up or keeps it the same it is still art to me. I also agree that people can not be told that something is art, they have to define it as art themselves because to me you either see the art in something or you do not, it is a personal opinion which one defines on their own. Art is found throughout the world and is something i find very important and is something more people need to take the time to notice and analyze and see all the work that went into making that piece, even if it is just a pair of keys on a stool, thought went into creating that display for you and the artist themselves, even if without the intent of it being art.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Worldview in She Unnames Them

The worldview in She Unnames Them is post modern.
God & the Universe- Eve governs over all and names all the animals giving her ultimate power. This also shows how she initiates everything also.
Conflict & Suffering- "I could not chatter anymore, taking it all for granted" The conflict lies between her God and Adam because she is tired of them not responding. "I had been prepared to defend my decisions" also shows the conflict she faces with unnaming the animals.
Values & Relationships- "He was not paying much attention" This shows how Eve valued her relationship with Adam and God.
Humanity & Identity- In this piece Eve is more superior then God "...their names were important to them.." and even though she did give up her power she still had power over God through her ability.
Hope & Redemption- "...I was feeling a little let down" Eve was upset that she had neither Adam or God to talk to showing that she originally found hope in them.
Truth & Reality- "Make an exemption for myself" She is more powerful then God and doesn't need Him.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

American Pie

God & Universe- God governs "faith in God above" the Bible iniciates "if the Bible tells you so?"
Humanity & Identity- We have a guilty nature "and while Lennin read the book of Marx" people are always trying to find faith elsewhere.
Conflict & Suffering- the conflict is "the day the music died" it is portraying the day Jesus died
Hope & Redemption- Hope lies in the music aka Jesus "can the music own your mortal soul"
Values & Relationships- they value music "an maybe they would be happy for a while"
Truth & Knowledge- truth in this piece is "the day the music died" which Jesus did which is a fact although rose again. What is real is that "music wouldn't die"

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Humanity & Identity

In Paradise Lost, humanity and identity are key to the novel. It reveals the Christian point of view through the nature of the human being. In the beginning the novel talks about the story of Adam and Eve, showing a Christian story of creation from the Bible. Also, the piece talks a lot about our guilty nature through his primary concern of the Devil throughout the piece. With this piece being very spiritual and having many truth claims it shows the Christian point of view that we are both material and spiritual.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Worldview in the Wizard of Oz

The worldview in the Wizard of Oz is post modern. For example post modernism believes it is right to escape reality, which Dorothy does by clicking her heels together. Also, the Wizard of Oz is a god created by the people, which shows the human mind is the ultimate power and has the ability to create a god. This creation of a god in the story helps to prove post modernism because of their belief that we created god. Lastly, postmodernism believes that there is no right and wrong there is just what is right for you. This is shown through Dorothy in her choice to follow the red or yellow brick road. She choose yellow because it was right for her but it would not be wrong if she had chosen red, if it was what she had wanted.

Worldview in Literature

In order to identify worldview in literature we need to look at the author's use of God or Satan, if he has it uppercased or lowercased. Also, to determine the worldview we have to know the authors background, which has shaped his point of view into what it is in that piece of literature. This is shown in Paradise Lost through the author's dark history of losing many of his loved ones, changing his worldview into more of a Satanist standpoint. In conclusion, if we look at the author's use of God or Satan, the tone, and the author's background we can determine the worldview in literature.